You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 1.3.1. File - Inventory > File - Inventory - Debtor

File - Inventory - Debtor

Customer parts are provided to recall stock lines that customers identify with their own part numbering system, e.g. they quote a part number and Micronet returns the equivalent part number as setup in the Inventory master file. This is in effect a cross referencing to a normal stock item but is only to be used for particular customers. During order entry and invoicing, you have the option of identifying a part number by ID or by the customer's ID. Customer part numbers can be displayed on the order processing screen, reports and customer invoices/credits, etc.

To create and store customer part numbers:

  1. Add a new item or open an existing one.

Refer to "Adding a New Item" or "Updating an Item".

  1. Select the Debtor tab.

Micronet displays the Item Update screen - Debtor tab.

  1. If you want to:

If you selected to add, insert or edit a part number, Micronet displays the Debtors Part screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Part Number

You can enter any number (up to 32 characters) that would apply for this customer.



Select the customer for this part number to be assigned to. The customer must already exist in Micronet. Leaving this field blank makes this an alternative part number for all customers during sales and inquiries.

  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet redisplays the Item Update screen Debtor tab.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE.